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handmade diamond ring shown on orange velvet background

Handcrafted diamond jewellery

A piece of handcrafted diamond jewellery is extra special but needn’t break the bank. I love diamonds of course but to be honest unless it’s a commissioned piece, it’s difficult to make lots of gorgeous pieces as stock because to put it simply, it’s really expensive.

However, that doesn’t mean I don’t use them at all. My way of getting around this, and to make it more affordable for my customers, is to use small diamonds, as the cost goes up dramatically with each tiny increase in size.

So for instance, a 1mm diamond could be a sixth of the cost of a 2mm diamond, and one twentieth of the cost of a 3mm diamond. One reason for this is that larger diamonds are simply harder to come by. Another reason is that when we’re looking at tiny diamonds these can often be leftovers from cutting larger diamonds.

Using smaller diamonds works really well as an enhancement rather than being the focal point of a piece. I tend to use them as an accompaniment to a larger stone or to embellish a larger piece, and also like to mix and match them with other more colourful stones like sapphires, topaz and tourmaline. And no matter what their size, they really do sparkle like nothing else.

But if you are after a special piece of handmade jewellery with a larger diamond just get in touch – see my custom made jewellery page to find out more.

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